Why should you use our resources?
¿Por qué deberías de utilizar nuestros recursos?

Recursos Auténticos

Authentic Resources

Recursos Auténticos

Authentic Resources
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Creado por Docentes Bilingües

Created by Bilingual Teachers

Creado por Docentes Bilingües

Created by Bilingual Teachers
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Apoyo Bilingüe

Bilingual Support

Apoyo Bilingüe

Bilingual Support
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Desarrollo Profesional Bilingüe

Bilingual Professional Development

Desarrollo Profesional Bilingüe

Bilingual Professional Development
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Enfocado en el Lenguaje Dual

Focused Exclusively on Dual Language

Enfocado en el Lenguaje Dual

Focused Exclusively on Dual Language
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Spanish Reading Intervention Resources

Phonemic Awareness


What Educators & Administrators Are Saying:

Meet our Team







Dr. Maria


Authentic Resources/Recursos Auténticos

As a multilingual company dedicated to serving a diverse educational community, we don’t just say our resources are authentic – we show it in every detail!  For us, authentic doesn’t just mean created by a native speaker!  It is about providing mirrors for our students, so that they can make text-to-self and text-to-world connections.  It is about relevant content that applies to the lives of our students and piques their interest.  Our end goal is to foster a lifelong love of literacy!

Somos una empresa multilingüe dedicada a servir a una comunidad educativa diversa. ¡No solo decimos que nuestros recursos son auténticos, lo demostramos en cada detalle! Para nosotros, auténtico no solo significa creado por un hispanohablante. Se trata de proporcionar espejos para nuestros alumnos, para que puedan establecer conexiones entre el texto y su propia vida y el mundo que les rodea. Se trata de contenido relevante que se aplica a las vidas de nuestros estudiantes y despierta su interés. ¡Nuestra prioridad es fomentar el amor hacía la lectura para que dure toda una vida!

Created by Bilingual Teachers for Bilingual Teachers/Creado por Docentes Bilingües por Docentes Bilingües

Our entire author team came from the bilingual/dual language classroom.  Our materials are unique because they were created, field-tested, and tweaked over time by the very teachers that were using them.  We love our authors and work with them on a daily basis to improve and support the tools that they care so much about!

Nuestro equipo de autores proviene de aulas bilingües y/o programas de  Lenguaje Dual. Nuestros materiales son únicos porque fueron creados, y evaluados en pruebas de campo y ajustados con el tiempo por los mismos maestros que los utilizaban. ¡Valoramos profundamente a nuestros autores y colaboramos estrechamente con ellos a diario para mejorar y respaldar las herramientas que son tan importantes para ellos!”

Bilingual Support/Apoyo Bilingüe

We are here to support you in either language!  From the chat feature on our website to a full in-person sales presentation – and everything in between.  Whether you prefer to communicate in Spanish, English or a little of both – let us serve you!

¡Estamos aquí para apoyarte en cualquier idioma! Desde la función de chat en nuestro sitio web hasta una presentación de ventas completa en persona.  Ya sea que prefieras comunicarte en español, inglés o un poco de ambos, ¡permítenos servirte!

Bilingual Professional Development/Desarrollo Profesional Bilingüe

Dedicated and knowledgeable, our cadre of bilingual consultants are here to support you!  Each of these amazing women have served in the classroom and beyond, and have robust résumés to back them up.  They have firsthand knowledge of how these materials work with students, and can offer real insight to teachers.  These are not slick salesmen, they are comadres that are passionate about bilingualism and biliteracy and promote both at home and beyond.

¡Dedicadas y expertas en su campo, nuestro equipo de consultoras bilingües están aquí para apoyarte. Estas excelentes educadoras han trabajado en el aula y en otras áreas administrativas, y cuentan con un amplio currículum que las respalda. Tienen un conocimiento de primera mano sobre cómo funcionan estos materiales con los estudiantes y pueden ofrecer información precisa a los maestros. No son vendedoras astutas, son docentes apasionadas por el bilingüismo y la biliteracidad, y lo promueven en todos los ámbitos.

Focused Exclusively on Dual Language/Enfocado en el Lenguaje Dual

There are big companies that you have all heard of that “do” a little bit of everything – that is not us!  We are a boutique company, our niche is dual language.  As such, we offer tools for the dual language community by members of that community designed to promote literacy.  You will see us at every conference, and involved in every organization that promotes bilingualism and biliteracy, because dual language is our passion.

Es común encontrar grandes empresas que intentan abarcar una amplia gama de áreas, ¡pero nosotros no seguimos ese camino! Somos una empresa exclusiva cuyo enfoque principal es promover el lenguaje dual. Por eso, ofrecemos herramientas diseñadas específicamente para la comunidad educativa de lenguaje dual, creadas por miembros de esa misma comunidad y diseñadas para fomentar el desarrollo de la lectoescritura. Nos podrás encontrar en cada conferencia y participando activamente en todas las organizaciones que promueven el bilingüismo y la biliteracidad, porque el lenguaje dual es nuestra verdadera pasión.

Alejandra Benitez

I am a bilingual educator with almost 20 years of experience and a Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction. I was born and raised in Venezuela, where I earned my bachelor’s degree in Education. I started my career as a bilingual elementary teacher, then progressed to become an instructional coach. Most recently, I served as a Biliteracy Specialist for the district I worked for and am currently one of the dual language consultants for Pacific Learning. I firmly believe that emergent bilingual students have great potential and are capable of becoming bilingual-biliterate, opening up more career opportunities for them. My goal is to inspire and encourage teachers to provide our emergent bilinguals with the best opportunities for achieving biliteracy and cultural awareness.

Andres Duque

Andres Duque was born and raised in Medellín, Colombia. Fascinated by languages, Andrés learned English both in school and by teaching young students in his hometown. Today, he dedicates his passion to helping educators and students fulfill their dual language needs. 

Kerry Gavett

Kerry Gavett grew up in Spain, Canada, and Greece and developed a love for Spanish culture and Spanish-speaking people. Kerry has over 15 years’ experience teaching Spanish reading interventions to small groups of kindergarten through 2nd grade students. To meet the need of struggling readers, she led a team of educators at an elementary school in Oregon to create the Spanish Foundational Skills program for early readers called El camino al éxito. Together with Carmenza Sarvay, Kerry collaborated to create El próximo paso al éxito which is designed to continue where El camino al éxito leaves off, providing extra support for 1 st and 2 nd grade students. Kerry holds master’s degrees from the University of Kentucky and Corban University.

Gianny Morales

Gianny Morales was born in Medellín, Colombia. Raised in New Jersey, Gianny underwent various bilingual programs in the 80s and 90s, enabling him to achieve full proficiency in both Spanish and English. Having earned a bachelor’s degree in Spanish from Montclair State University, he taught in different schools across the state.  He is now fully dedicated to assisting educators in discovering the tools essential for success in a dual-language classroom.

Rosa Palafox-Torres

With over two decades in bilingual education, I have dedicated my career to empowering educators, supporting parents, and helping emergent bilingual students succeed. My journey began as a bilingual elementary teacher, then evolved through roles as bilingual facilitator and bilingual curriculum coordinator.

My experience in curriculum writing, biliteracy curriculum development, and dual language and ESL program implementation is complemented by my deep love of literacy instruction. As a certified reading specialist, I have focused on developing effective reading strategies tailored to the unique needs of bilingual learners, ensuring they build strong language and literacy skills.

I am passionate about fostering equitable education for all students, and I’m excited to partner with educators and districts nationwide to share best practices in dual language education. Together, we can create inclusive, effective learning environments where every student has the opportunity to succeed.

Carmenza Sarvay

I was born and raised in Colombia. Spanish is my native language, but I also speak English, French, Dutch, and Italian.  I lived in Europe for eight years and have been in the United States now for more than 35 years. I am a retired teacher with many years of experience in Elementary school teaching Spanish Native Literacy, ESL, and Spanish reading in a dual language setting. Helping students who struggle to read has been and will remain my passion. 

Dr. Maria Uribe

Maria Uribe has been in education for more than 40 years. She began her teaching profession in Bogotá Colombia as a bilingual teacher in the elementary levels. Maria moved to the Unites States in 1990. In Denver, she continue her teaching career as a classroom teacher, literacy coach, and assistant principal, principal and currently as a professor.

Maria earned a master’s degree in Multicultural and Bilingual Education from the University of Colorado Boulder, a Ph.D. from the University of Colorado Denver and received her principal license from Denver University.

Maria has received various recognitions including the Colorado Association of Bilingual Education award in 2007, the best elementary principal in Denver Public schools in 2010, the Leadership Alumni Award University Colorado Denver in 2014 and the SEHD Excellence Award for Service in 2019.

Maria is the co-author of Literacy Strategies for English Language Learners and the co-author of Intellectual Capital: The Intangible Assets of Professional Development Schools. She has also published a number of articles on bilingual education bilingual learners. Maria has presented in various conferences around the nation and the world about teacher education and English language learners.

In 2016, Maria wrote a children book about deportation, “Todos vamos a estar bien” “we’re Going to Be Alright”. In October of 2020 she published, “Hay algo mal en mí?” and “Is There Something Wrong with Me?”

For the last five years, Maria has collaborating with Pacific Learning in different roles. She had reviewed the books from Pathway literacy in Spanish, the author of the Sistema de Intervención SIL 4-5 and her last contribution the revision and update of the reading assessment named Diagnóstico de la lectura y la escritura DEL.

Kevin Werling

I’ve been working in educational sales and consulting since right before my first child was born.  He is driving and looking at colleges now!  Before becoming a Dad, I was Mr. Werling at a variety of schools in Texas and Spain.  I’ve taught in classrooms focusing on ESL; bilingual; dual language and beginner Spanish.  My time in the publishing world has been a blessing and I’ve worked with some of the best out there.  Throughout my time, I’ve come to realize that my passion and calling is for working with the emergent bilingual community to promote bilingualism and biliteracy.

As a parent and former educator, it is paramount that I only professionally align myself with companies that produce the very best. If I wouldn’t use it in the classroom or desire that my kids’ teacher use it-I do not carry it! I am very proud of the work we are doing at Pacific Learning and the resources we currently offer and those to come!

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